Design Driven Ventures

Reach African Learners at Scale

We help e-learning and development projects reach and empower millions of learners in Africa with our marketing and connectivity solutions.

3.5 million

People reached


Courses completed


Airtime top-ups

Reach learners with referral campaigns

Turn your audience into micro-influencers

Reward young people for inviting their friends and followers using their local language and cultural context.

Reach beyond social media

Spark word of mouth and connect with user segments that can not be reached with social media ads.

Target the right audience

Collect user insights

Run surveys to understand your learners' interests, career goals and professional background at scale.

Invite the right learners

Identify and invite people who match your target audience with our AI-powered targeting system.

Connect learners with airtime rewards

Leapfrog access to education

Providing airtime (phone credit) to learners is the most cost-effective way to access your content from most parts of Africa.

Bulk airtime processing

Our non-cash wallet solution and gateway partnerships allow you to instantly disburse airtime to billions of phone numbers in Africa.

Boost engagement and learner retention

Personalize learning experiences

Our AI recommendation system uses survey responses and other signals to recommend relevant courses to your learners.

Increase learner engagement

Learners are more likely to complete a course that is relevant to them. Increase completion rates and maximise development outcomes at scale.


Our solutions are designed to reach urban and rural learners across Africa. Explore the map to see all locations where we've made an impact.


Learner engagement for atingi with Flashout

Our Flashout app helps atingi engage learners with referral campaigns, airtime top-ups and personalized course recommendations.

Visit Flashout

Airtime stipends for the tourism and hospitality industry

In collaboration with eAcademy Tourism and Hospitality, we support learners in South Africa, Kenya, Rwanda and Ghana to improve their professional skills.

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Course completion campaign for gig workers in Kenya

We worked with GIZ Kenya to promote their gig economy courses to thousands of online workers in Kenya.

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Let’s reach your learners!

Contact us to schedule a demo and receive a custom proposal for your development goals!

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